Joan miro paintings
Joan miro paintings

joan miro paintings

joan miro paintings

One can immediately see an artist who is well aware of the new styles of the period, but is seeking to forge his own path, which perhaps could involve elements of them together. We can also see elements of Cubism within this, though it is used more sparingly than by those who specialised in that movement. This period was characterised by very precise detail within some highly complex compositions, such as with Horse, Pipe and Red Flower. Miro's work as a fauvist lasted several years, gifting us the likes of Portrait of Vincent Nubiola and Nord-Sud (both 1917), before he decided to move on in around 1920 to a style loosely termed as Magical realism. The general view of his earliest work was that it showed a clear influence from the work of Paul Cezanne, someone who has inspired a huge number of 20th century artists. Colours was therefore key to his early work and would remain a fundamental element of his career, even after he switched to other artistic styles. Whilst Salvador Dali worked with impressionism for a number of years, before moving onto expressionism and cubism before heading into surrealism, Miro was more immediately a modern artist and began as more of a fauvist. Young, budding art students will always tend to try out all sorts of techniques in their early years of development, still seeking to find their signature approach and both of these Catalans were the same in that regard. In a similar way to Dali, Miro is most famous as a Surrealist but was actually involved in a good variety of different art movements during his career. Miro built a strong reputation from an early age which allowed him to spend time in the company of many other famous artists and the Surrealists were a group who would collaborate regularly and exchange ideas for how the future of art should be. Also, see the work of Max Ernst, the German Surrealist, with the two becoming good friends as well as working collaboratively and sharing a lot of common ground within their own artistic styles.

joan miro paintings

#Joan miro paintings plus

Related Spanish artists include Cubists Juan Gris and Pablo Picasso, plus also Joaquin Sorolla. Dali masterpieces included the likes of Elephants and The Persistence of Memory, famously incorporating melting clocks. Miro's work was classified loosely as surrealist, and this quickly led to comparisons with fellow Catalan painter, Salvador Dali. This famous Spanish painter and innovator, over the course of his life, made a number of changes to both the style and mood of his art.

Joan miro paintings